This monograph is intended to be a support for those who study the processes of spreading so-called pollutants and contaminants or noxious substances that have a special negative influence on the quality of the environment. These pollutants emitted from different sources discussed in chapters 4-7 of the book, having different natures and resulting from an intensive development of polluting industries, from excessive use of nutrients (fertilizers) in agriculture, from mining, from harmful gas emissions, from road, air and naval transport, from domestic anthropogenic activities, have particularly harmful effects on the quality of human life, on their health, and on the ecosystems of nature, leading in the following years to the destruction of some plant and animal species and to drastic changes. of the Earth's climate if no measures are taken to eradicate global pollution. In economically developed countries, assiduous research is being done on pollution phenomena and their control in the last few decades, managing to eliminate some of the causes of pollution, especially around large urban settlements and industrial areas. But it has not yet been possible to completely remove any pollution phenomenon, there are areas of the world where these phenomena have intensified in the last three decades. The intention is to combat the long-term effects of environmental pollution. For these reasons, the study by students, master students, doctoral students and researchers in the field of combating pollution and the effects of this phenomenon has been given greater importance in Romania and any book dealing with this field, which is quite extensive, is welcome in the literature. specialty. That is why the authors wanted to republish the book DIFFUSION AND DISPERSION OF POLLUTANTS IN GEOFLUIDS, published in 2002 by Mrs. Prof. Univ. Dr. Speranta Coldea.
All the chapters from the first edition of the book have been preserved, where the phenomena of transport of different types of pollutants have been treated, mainly processes such as convection-advection, molecular diffusion and turbulence and dispersion, in the atmosphere surface and groundwater. These processes are defined and described mathematically based on the equations specific to these phenomena in fluid physics, with analytical results for simpler cases. A chapter dedicated to a method widely used in the study of environmental pollution phenomena has been added, namely the modeling method of these pollution phenomena in the atmosphere and terrestrial waters. The dispersion of pollutants in the environment is a complex phenomenon that can be researched, described and clarified with the method of modeling pollution phenomena. Models of transport of pollutants in air and water allow, at least from a qualitative point of view, to make certain predictions about the future fate of pollutants spread from different sources. That is why I considered it necessary to complete the book with a chapter 8, which presents the status of using this modeling method and which developed with the development of computers. Of course, the field of modeling methods in science is extremely wide and would require a separate study, but the basic notions necessary for those who want to approach this field have been introduced, along with a selective bibliography. We consider that the re-edition of the monograph from 2002 and the new notions introduced in this edition are welcome in support of the students from the study programs: Constructions for Water Supply and Sewerage Systems and Environmental Engineering.