 Hyperbaric engineering studies for professional diving | Editura Matrix Rom

 Hyperbaric engineering studies for professional diving

Universitatea Tehnica de Construcții București
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
107,00 lei
The field of professional diving is of interest both from an economic and industrial point of view, especially the field of sea diving depth, as well as from a military point of view due to the fact that, in case of armed confrontations, the aquatic environment can turn into a theater of submarine military operations. In carrying out industrial and military underwater activities, an important role is played by mastering hyperbaric technologies and using underwater installations and equipment.
This book has a complex character, combining the theoretical side of the issue approached with experimental research. In the chapters of the paper, it alternates the sections with the presentation of theoretical notions with the sections in which are presented the contributions in the field brought by the paper, materialized by analytical calculation models for deep diving, unitary, system and calculation procedures, based on which was dimensioned an original installation for the preparation of respiratory mixtures, executed and subsequently tested in the Hyperbaric Laboratory of the Diving Center from Constanța, within the Romanian Naval Forces.