Design of modern microwave oscillators for wireless applications. Theory and optimization (Wiley publishing translation) | Editura Matrix Rom

Design of modern microwave oscillators for wireless applications. Theory and optimization (Wiley publishing translation)

Technische Universität Berlin, Universitatea din Oradea
ISBN: 978-606-25-0405-2
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
200,00 lei
Because of their importance in communication systems, microwave oscillators have been the focus of research for many decades. In the early days when working at low frequency, frequency generation was done with the help of vacuum tube oscillators, later field effect transistors and bipolar transistors were used. These were workable using variable air capacitors for tuning and inductor groups for frequency range selection, but it was always very difficult to find adequate temperature compensation of the oscillators to improve long-term frequency stabilization.