
Books at 5 lei 

Oxide matrices reinforced with glass fibers | Editura Matrix Rom

Oxide matrices reinforced with glass fibers

Dorel Radu, Vasilica Dima
Original price was: 102,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.
Power supply from VCRs | Editura Matrix Rom

Power supply from VCRs

Florin Gruia, Serban Naicu
Original price was: 164,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.
Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics 2/2011 | Editura Matrix Rom

Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics 2/2011

Original price was: 23,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.
Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics 2/2012 | Editura Matrix Rom

Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics 2/2012

Original price was: 23,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.
Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics 2/2014 | Editura Matrix Rom

Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics 2/2014

Original price was: 23,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.
Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics 4/2017 | Editura Matrix Rom

Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics 4/2017

Original price was: 40,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.
Theory and practice of using column type machines in flotation | Editura Matrix Rom

Theory and practice of using column type machines in flotation

Gelu Maracineanu, Victor Tiugan
Original price was: 48,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.
Thermal buildings | Editura Matrix Rom

Thermal buildings

Bogdan Caracaleanu, Florin Iordache
Original price was: 68,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.
Thermodynamics of glassy oxide systems  | Editura Matrix Rom

Thermodynamics of glassy oxide systems 

Dorel Radu, Ovidiu Dumitrescu
Original price was: 96,00 lei.Current price is: 5,00 lei.