 Theoretical and practical aspects in ore preparation | Editura Matrix Rom

 Theoretical and practical aspects in ore preparation

Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti
ISBN: 978-606-25-0671-1
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
48,00 lei
 Raw materials play a special role in the economy of any country, the mining industry having a special importance in this regard. It is enough to think about the role played by the ores of iron, copper, aluminum, magnesium or titanium as a source of metals for the machine building industry, electronics, aeronautics, military industry, etc., or the importance of clay or limestone rocks for the construction materials industry, salt for the chemical and food industries, and examples can go on, to realize that today's civilization would not be possible without these mineral raw materials.  
The present paper is addressed to the students from the Faculty of Science and Engineering Materials from the engineering courses - license, and aims to learn the basic knowledge regarding the preparation of ores and coals. It is also useful to engineers in master's courses, as a laboratory guide for obtaining ores useful for metallurgical processes.