Romanian civilization in the early modern period | Editura Matrix Rom

Romanian civilization in the early modern period

ISBN: 978-606-25-0897-5
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
123,00 lei
When approaching this book, I was stimulated by the late academician Răzvan Teodorescu's book "Civilization of Romanians between Medieval and Modern" in which he mentions the disjunction between the aristocratic, the peasant and the urban civilizations of the fairs during the period early modern.
Differences appear in architecture, costumes, music and dance.
It is the period when, under the influence of Saxon, Swabian, Armenian and Jewish colonists, crafts and trade develop, fairs and new cities appear.
The small boyars (mazils) appear in the world of the villages and the small urban bourgeoisie (tradesmen, merchants, coupets).
In the cultural field, printing presses spread and a series of ecclesiastical and secular books appeared, which characterize the specifically Orthodox rationalism and humanism in Romanian countries.