Modeling the operation of equipment and thermal systems related to buildings | Editura Matrix Rom

Modeling the operation of equipment and thermal systems related to buildings

Universitatea Tehnica de Construcții București
ISBN: 978-606-25-0626-1
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
180,00 lei
The objective of the present work is largely to cover the analytical program for the 1st year master's course at the Faculty of Installation Engineering of the Bucharest Technical University of Construction.
Also, the work represents an improved version, with numerous additions to the work "Dynamic behavior of thermal equipment and systems - ed. Matrixrom, Bucharest, 2008 (3rd edition) - Florin Iordache".
Most of the chapters that were part of the work mentioned above underwent important additions capable of facilitating a good understanding of the possibilities of modeling the heat transfer processes within the equipment and systems related to buildings. There are also new chapters such as the one related to heat pumps and the one related to hybrid heat supply systems where several non-conventional and conventional systems are brought together: solar, heat pump and central heating.