Calculation and quantum computers. The symbiosis of the enigmatic mystery of yesterday with the car of the future of tomorrow in today's technological laboratories. From Aristotle to Galilee and then from Newton to Einstein, mankind has risen continuously and steadily, with the hardening of the DNA seed we all carry. It has risen in the high blue of the sky, in the primordial essence of understanding the universe, in the spirituality that animates the fragment of stellar matter from which we are made. Without stopping, without rest and without falling into despair. That despair that has circled us countless times like a hungry wolf to the flock. Despair of not knowing, not understanding, not being able to. There have been obstacles through pandemics, natural disasters and fires raised by the mental limits of some of us. And yet man did not stop ascending, always extending the wing of his mind to that shining point which means innovative idea, star twinkle, mental openness and self-return through the self-contemplation with which the universe is rediscovered through us. It took a long time to get here to the quantum gates of understanding. Now we are waiting in amazement for them to open and for the agreement to descend upon us. Let the enigma unravel and enlighten our thinking cane spirit. Quantum enigma.