Differential Equations Seminar Book with Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications | Editura Matrix Rom

Differential Equations Seminar Book with Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications

Universitatea Tehnica de Construcții București
ISBN: 978-606-25-0923-1
Limba: Română
Suport: Hârtie
79,00 lei
This seminar notebook with applications is the result of the collaboration of two teachers who teach different subjects, namely mathematics and physics. Since the field of differential equations is one with very important applications in engineering and being rather difficult to understand without practical examples, we consider this approach, to insert in a seminar book including applications, as a useful one for studying and understanding as much as possible deep of this vast domain.
Physical problems and even the strength of materials as applications to the differential equations course and seminar were introduced and solved during the work. Some of these have been mathematically modeled so that a bridge can be made between different engineering disciplines.
I named the title of the book as "notebook" to highlight the fact that we sought to use a language as close as possible to the natural one, so as to provide a framework for study, discovery and of understanding the concepts taught, often starting from concrete examples and building even the theoretical part by supporting the practical part.
Throughout the work, the most thorough explanation of the theory, exercises and applications was sought, often presenting theoretical notions in parallel with concrete examples