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Electrical engineering
Environmental Engineering
Contributions on the architectural development of distributed real-time systems
Advanced Ecology. Monitoring, diagnostics, prognosis vol. 1
Methods for improving the distance resolution of SAR sensors with impulse compression
Ion exchange processes in environmental protection
Dynamics of chemical systems
Physical chemistry applications solved in Mathcad
Construction statics. Applications – vol. 2
Technical, judicial and extrajudicial expertise. Maid
Catalog 117 – School buildings and constructions
Turbulence in the Heliosphere
Demonstration, knowledge, action
“Lingua Franca”, expression of regional and world hegemony
The issue of routing in packet switched networks
Efficient use of photoelectric potential. Case study: thermal points in Bucharest
Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols
Optimizing the reliability of electrical systems. Role models. Applications. Programs.
Electrical circuit theory
The basics of electrical engineering
General physics course I
Physics (I)
Algorithms for estimating solar energy
Oracle 11g – Making database applications using Sql Plus language
Introduction to parallel and distributed computing. Algorithms
VRML applications
Decision and forecast
Project Management
Sustainable development of tourism in coastal areas. Case study tourism development of the Halkidiki peninsula (Greece)
Fundamental algebraic structures
Linear differential equations. Classical and modern theory
Second-order nonlinear differential equations in Hilbert spaces
Installations and technologies in the milk processing industry
Machine tools and mechanical processing. Technological guide and laboratory guide
Theoretical and practical aspects in the design of an inert gas extinguishing installation IG 541
Small capacity treatment plants
Environmental investigation
Wastewater treatment
Cossack Library
Library of the Romanian Mathematical Sciences Society
Information Systems in Ecology
Human-computer interaction
Electrical engineering treaty
Information technologies for the environmental investigations
Environmental monitoring systems using microwave radiometric techniques
Design of distributed fuzzy control systems of HVAC equipment
High capacity photonic memories
Optoelectronics. Laboratory guidance
Materials for electronics. Guidebook
Installation engineering magazine
Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics
Magazine of installations - stopped publication in 2020
International Journal of User-System Interaction
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society
Romanian Journal of Civil Engineering
Romanian Journal of Human-Calculator Interaction - stopped publication in 2018
Installation engineering magazine no. 1/2023
Installation engineering magazine no. 3/2022
Installation engineering magazine no. 2/2023
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 3/2019
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 3/2020
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 2/2021
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 2/2015
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 1/2017
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 1/2015
Books at 5 lei
/ Environmental Engineering
ASHRAE-American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Adela-Eliza Dumitrașcu
Adelina Apostu
Adrian Ioana (Coordonator)
Adrian Oprea
Adriana Manea
Alexandru Cecal
Alexei Atudorei
Ana Maria Gramescu
Ana-Maria Moldoveanu
Anca Maria Moldoveanu
Anda Sabena Dobrescu
Angela Lupu
Arpad Molnar
Augustin Semenescu
Aura Sambeteanu
Aurel Vaduca
Aurelio Misiti
Bogdan Alexandru Sava
C. Badulescu
Camelia Capatina
Carmen Teodosiu
Carmen-Otilia Rusanescu
Cezar Florin Preda
Christu Tardei
Claudia Maria Simonescu
Claudia Simonescu
Constantin Bendrea
Constantin Cosma
Constantin Marin Antohi
Corina Zugravu
Costas A. Varotsos
Costică Nitu
Cristian Onose
Cristina Amalia Dumitras
Cristina Secan
Cristinel Racoceanu
Csaba David
Cătălin Emil Șchiopu
Dan Ianculescu
Dan Paul Georgescu
Dan Stematiu
Daniel Constantin Diaconu
Daniela Cristina Culita
Doina Humelnicu
Dragos Marcu
Elena Felicia Alboiu
Elena Stingaciu
Eveline Popovici
F. Aurelian
Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan
Florica Morar
Florin Nicolescu
Florinela Ardelean
Gabriel Popa
Gabriel Racoviteanu
Gabriela Cilinca
Gabriela-Cristina Simion
Gelu Agafiel Maracineanu
George Moldoveanu
George-Lucian Ionescu
Georgeta Bandoc
Gheorghe Duca
Gheorghe Hubca
Gheorghe Iordache
Gheorghe Voicu
Gheorghe-Constantin Ionescu
Gigel Paraschiv
Ileana Fulvia Sandoiu
Ioan Laurentiu Pricop
Ioan Paunescu
Ion Cristea
Ionut Costinel Mares
Iuliana Gabriela Pietrareanu
Iuliana Nichersu
Iurie Scurlatov
Karin Popa
Laurentiu Manea
Lelia Popescu
Leonard Iure
M. Sandu
Madalina Dumitriu
Maria Popescu
Mariana Paleu
Mariana-Florentina Stefanescu
Marin Rusanescu
Matei Macoveanu
Mihaela Macoveanu
Mihai Lesnic
Mioara Surpateanu
Mircea Degeratu
Miron Popescu
Nicolae Antonescu
Nicolae Ioan Alboiu
Nicolae N. Antonescu
Nicolae Oprița
Octavian Valerian Bold
Ortansa Jude
Ovidiu Ianculescu
Paul Stanescu
Paula Cojocaru
Raluca Racoviteanu
Sabin Popescu
Simina Daniela Stefan
Speranta Coldea
Speranta Ianculescu
Sunhilde Cuc
Tiberiu Catalina
V. Ciocan
V. F. Krapivin
Vasile M. Tovarnitchi
Venetia Sandu
Veronica Ivanescu
Vlad Iordache
Vladimir F. Krapivin
Vladimir Yu. Soldatov
Administrația Națională de Meteorologie
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Delta Dunarii
Institutul de Cercetări și Amenajări Silvice București
Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Societatea Inventatorilor din Romania
Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" Iași
Universitatea "Constantin Brâncuși" Târgu Jiu
Universitatea "Dunarea de Jos" Galați
Universitatea "Ovidius" din Constanța
Universitatea "Petru Maior" Târgu Mureș
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti
Universitatea Roma
Universitatea Tehnica de Construcții București
Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași
Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov
Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”, Bucuresti
Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Bucuresti
Universitatea de stat din Moldova, Chișinău
Universitatea din București
Universitatea din Oradea
Environmental Engineering
Biofuels. Biodiesel, bioethanol, diesel sun, biobutanol, biomethanol, bioadditives – revised and added edition
Gheorghe Hubca, Angela Lupu
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