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Electrical engineering
Environmental Engineering
Computer aided design in knitwear
Expert systems. Concepts and applications
Asymptotic stability relative to a target set for nonlinear control systems
Metal powder processing. Laboratory guidance
Macromolecular chemistry exercises and problems. Polycondensation and polyaddition
Methods and materials for depollution of heavy metal ion-contaminated water
Technical regulations regarding the design and execution of thermal, gas, air conditioning works-January 2017
Sewerage systems
GP 067-2002: Guide regarding the determination of the thermally equivalent surface of the heating bodies
Topologies and morphisms
Romania at the centenary of the Great Union
Under the sign of Mihail Kogălniceanu
Power supply from VCRs
Security of IoT devices in space exploration missions
Basics of optoelectronics and applications in optical communications
Electric drives with asynchronous motors. Wired logic diagrams
Active filters
Elements of electrical installations and automations for air conditioning equipment
Laboratory guidance. Atom physics and solid physics
Electromagnetism (general physics course II)
Elements of statistical physics
Python programmer job interview preparation. 63 interview questions solved
Cryptographic technologies for cloud data protection
User interface design with the React library
Industrial management in the circular economy. Vol.1 Theoretical Concepts
MI-5 integrated management treaty for IMM vol 4
Circular economy and technological innovation: strategies for sustainability
Algebra. Choice tests
Introduction to the theory of conjugated geometric structures. Applications in the theory of relativity
Differential equations
Possibilities of applying special flotation processes for finely ground copper ores in column type machines
Artificial neural networks (RNA) and flexible production systems (SPF) applied in the metallic materials industry
Neural networks. Theory and applications in modeling and simulation of production processes and systems
Natural resources and their use. Practical works guide
Air quality inside residential buildings. Guide. Best practices for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of housing (English translation)
Applied ecology
Cossack Library
Library of the Romanian Mathematical Sciences Society
Information Systems in Ecology
Human-computer interaction
Electrical engineering treaty
Design of distributed fuzzy control systems of HVAC equipment
Microwave remote sensing tools and ecoinformatics
Global Ecoinformatics. Theory and Applications
Optical systems for communications
Dielectric and magnetic devices
Image quality from concept definition to applications
Installation engineering magazine
Synthesis of theoretical and applied mechanics
Magazine of installations - stopped publication in 2020
International Journal of User-System Interaction
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society
Romanian Journal of Civil Engineering
Romanian Journal of Human-Calculator Interaction - stopped publication in 2018
Installation engineering magazine no. 1/2023
Installation engineering magazine no. 1/2021
Installation engineering magazine no. 4/2023
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 4/2020
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 3/2019
International Journal of User-System Interaction No. 2/2020
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 1&2/2016
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 1/2017
Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society 2/2017
Books at 5 lei
/ Electrical engineering
Adelina-Rodica Bordianu
Adina Gheorghe
Adrian Danila
Alexandru Bitoleanu
Alexandru Mandis
Alexandru Marius Silaghi
Alexandru Nicolae
Alin Dobre
Alina Machedon
Ana Georgiana Baciu
Ana-Maria Dumitrescu
Anatoli Paul Ulmeanu
Anca Manolescu
Anca Tomescu
Andrei Ilie
Andrei Răzvan Budu
Andrei Tudose
Augustin Moraru
Aureliu Panaitescu
Bogdan Nicoara
Brindusa Pantelimon
Camelia Petrescu
Cezar Popa
Constantin Daniel Oancea
Constantin Ghita
Constantin Ilas
Constantin Iliescu
Constantin Ungureanu
Constantin Vlad Suru
Constantin Vlaicu
Cornel Bianchi
Cosmin Bucur
Costel Mironeasa
Costin Cepisca
Cristea Pal
Cristian Gabriel Prodan
Cristina Gheorghe
Cristina Saracin
Cristina Stancu
Cătălina Popescu
Dan Moroldo
Daniel Ioan
Daniel-Petru Ghencea
Daniela Faur
Delia Gavrila
Dorel Cernomazu
Dorin Sarchiz
Dragos Niculae
Dumitru Asandei
Dumitru Cezar Ionescu
Dumitru Doncescu
Dumitru Iacob
Eklas Hossain
Elena Elvira Ion
Elena Helerea
Elena-Daniela Olariu
Emil Cazacu
Eugeniu Niculescu
F.M.G. Tomescu
Florin Ciuprina
Florin Dragomir
Gabriel Bendea
Gabriela Ciuprina
Gabriela Rata
George Cătălin Popovici
George Epureanu
George Mahalu
George Marian Vasilescu
Georgeta Haraga
Georgiana Rezmerita
Gheorghe Andronescu
Gheorghe Gavrila
Gheorghe Livint
Horia Ionut Petcu
Hrisia Moroldo
Iancu Ciocioi
Ioan Vulcu
Ioan-Cristian Cotorobai
Ioan-Felician Soran
Ion Daniel Ilina
Iosif Olah
Iosif Vasile Nemoianu
Irina Munteanu
Irina Picioroaga
Iulian Baciu
Iulian Topa
Jan Ignat
Jean Lemale
Katalin Agoston
Laura Anita
Laurentiu Diaconu
Laurentiu Marius Dumitran
Lavinia Bobaru
Liviu Mateescu
Lucia Dumitriu
Lucian Ciobanu
Lucian Mandache
Lucian Mastacan
Lucian Petrescu
Lucian Pirvulescu
Luminita Mirela Constantinescu
Madalina Mitrea
Magdalena Alexandru
Magdalena Lungu
Maria Vintan
Maria-Cătălina Petrescu
Mariana Milici
Marilena Stanculescu
Marin Mihalache
Marin Saracin
Mihaela Albu
Mihaela Kusko
Mihaela Morega
Mihaela Popescu
Mihai Iordache
Mihai Iordache-Coordonator
Mihai Maricaru
Mihai Octavian Popescu
Mihai Popescu
Mihail Gh. Oncescu
Mircea Covrig
Mohamed Amjahdi
Monica Popa
Monica Sabina Crainic
Narcisa Pislaru
Nicolae Badea
Nicolae Voicu
Nicu Bizon
Niculae Mira
Octavian Mihai Ghita
Olivian Stanica
Ovidiu Centea
Paul Burlacu
Paul Dinculescu
Pavel Atanasoae
Petru V. Notingher
Radu Mircea Ciuceanu
Radu Opreanu
Radu Plamanescu
Radu Porumb
Razvan Asanache
Robert Beloiu
Ruxandra Barbulescu
Sanda Victorinne Paturca
Sergiu Stelian Iliescu (Coordonatori)
Sorin Dan Grigorescu
Sorin Deleanu
Sorin Ionescu
Sorin Lup
Stefan Pavel
Steliana Puscasu
Theodor Mateescu
Tiberiu Tudorache
Traian Turc
Uwe Slabke
Valentin A. Boicea
Valentin Ionita
Valerie Panaite
Valeriu Bostan
Victor Bucata
Victoria Cotorobai
Virgil Fireteanu
Voukalis Dimitris
Yaman Abou Jieb
Academia Navală "Mircea cel Bătrân" Constanța
Academia Tehnică Militară Ferdinand I
Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Inginerie Electrică
Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologie-IMT București
Technical Institute of Pireus
Universitatea "Dunarea de Jos" Galați
Universitatea "Ovidius" din Constanța
Universitatea "Petru Maior" Târgu Mureș
Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti
Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
Universitatea Tehnica de Construcții București
Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași
Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov
Universitatea Valahia din Târgoviște
Universitatea din Craiova
Universitatea din Oradea
Universitatea din Pitesti
Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu
Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava
Electrical engineering
Notions of electrical circuit theory. Signals. Laws, theorems and methods of analysis
Mariana Milici
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